
Dance performance

VOICE of NATURE / Dancing on the Earth


2016年9月30日 金曜日
場 7:00pm・開演 7:30pm
前売り:S席 4,500円 一般席 3,500円
当 日:S席 5,000円 一般席 4,000円

〒464-0858 愛知県名古屋市千種区千種3丁目6−10

チケット問い合わせ: 観月 紀栄

服部 絵里香
観月 紀栄
石原 理江
壹岐 倫子
清水 留美子
廣瀬 麻紀
カジヤマ テルヨ
日高 里香
横山 千香
安部 明日香
照明:しらき りつこ
音響: 高崎 優希
主催:服部 絵里香
制作:観月 紀栄


Shizuno Nasu embodies the Asian spirit and Hawaii's powerful nature. Integrating F'u Sui Ka, the movements of swaying in the wind, the flowing of water, and the flaming and flickering of our inner energy, as well as her original spiral movements, Shizuno Nasu and company become one with the elements. Thru creative and completely improvised dance and conscious breath, this company of artists blend the extremes of big nature and the gentleness

SHIZUNO NASU was born in Osaka, Japan and began her classical ballet training at age three.
She was chosen as an exchange student with the Bolshoi Ballet at age seven and made her debut as a professional dancer at age 19.
She has won high praise in France, Germany, Italy, Greece, India, South Korea, China, Japan and the U.S.
Shizuno’s quest for her own stylistic voice led her to study old Japanese mythological dances.
She undertook a multi-year pilgrimage, performing in every prefecture of Japan, and deepening within her the skill and spirit of mai, the dance.
Beyond the influence of both the West and the East, Shizuno continues to refine her unique mai, a dance attuned to the rhythms of Mother Nature.
Her most recent and successful stage production, “Pele and Poliahu” (‘09 & ‘10), showed her passion for and inspiration in movement and nature.
Shizuno says “Spirit and Nature can be seen in the movement of wind, the stark land of Pele, and the interweaving energies of opposites, yin and yang…
We must heal the earth with renewed spirit and awareness of the interconnectedness of all beings and elements.”
She currently resides in Volcano, on the Island of Hawai'i, where she continues to generate new Spiral Visions, teach dance, and aspires to bring cultures together through international cultural exchange.

Dancing with the Elements


Gentle Yoga & Dance Meditaion with Debra Serrao & Shizuno Nasu
A meditative collaboration of yoga and guided meditative dance,
gentle to the body, mind and spirit


Dance for body & Mind
Focus on expressive dance movements based on HARA Tanden CHI energy.
Movements inspired by wind,water and fire energies.

Vigorous Creative Flow & Dance
Dance technique to feel balance of body, mental aspect of self centering
and to create energy of physical expression.

Volcano Studio
9:30-11am &10/Class
Shizuno 967-8574

Creative Dance: Being Free in the Moment
From ancient times, people the world over have danced, raising their spirituality and improving their techniques over the ages.
Dance, an expressive form of art, is filled with the mover’s personality. Your body is unique and original. Your movement is influenced by your life experience and by the times and environment you live in. This forms the basis of your individual style – what you see and feel everyday and its impacts on you physically.
In this creative dance class, we will release the authentic spirit within you. In the midst of Volcano’s natural environment, we will stand with the ohi’a trees, in the hapu’u forest. We will truly see, listen, and feel – to receive an image from nature.
Using imagination, intuition, and all of your senses, you will be guided through the path of creation, deeply experiencing your body’s artistry through dance techniques and spiritual practice.
Conscious of time and space, moving forward in creative dance, the experience is as if you are painting on a canvas. Through this creative dance workshop, you will find a new perspective of enjoyment and expansion of your appreciation for artistic expression.
Shall we, together, listen to the voices of our own bodies?

Shizuno NASU

創造 -Creative Dance
解き放たれる瞬間 那須 シズノ

日々 何を見て、何を感じて 動いてゆくのか。日常のあなたはすでに踊りつつけていると私は思うのです。そして、それはとてもユニークでオリジナルに………………
ボルケーノの自然の中オヒアの樹やハプウの森に立ち、 目で見て、耳で、聞いて、心で感じて…自然からのイメージを受け取り、あなた自身の内側に起こる感性を5感を通しイマジネーションと直感をもって、肉体による表現とテクニックと精神性を深く学びながら、創造への道を導いてゆきます。

Title : Creative Dance Class
Dancing on the Earth
~Becoming one with the Wind and Land~
Creative dance and conscious breathing classes
with Shizuno Nasu:
Classes include exercises to stretch and shape the body. You will learn conscious breathing techniques to condition and balance your physical health. Bring in the natural flow of Chi (mana/energy).
There will be classes for creative dance expression, inspired by Hawaii's powerful nature. Learn dance movements based on Hara Tanden Chi Energy. This is an Asian movement technique which will increase your concentration and lift your spirit through relaxation and graceful body movement.
The following energies will be involved in the process,
f'u (wind): movement of swaying in the wind,
sui (water): movement to the flow of water, and
ka (fire): movement to flame the inner energy.
All of the above movements will be taught in the balance of both yin and yang energies.
Open yourself. Become the Wind, Water and Fire.....by using your all of your senses.
Mebius movements and Shizuno's original spiral movements will be specially taught for this class. Open to any level, including beginners.


SHIZUNO NASU was born in Osaka, Japan and began her classical ballet training at age three.
She was chosen as an exchange student with the Bolshoi Ballet at age seven and made her debut as a professional dancer at age 19.
She has won high praise in France, Germany, Italy, Greece, India, South Korea, China, Japan and the U.S.
Shizuno’s quest for her own stylistic voice led her to study old Japanese mythological dances.
She undertook a multi-year pilgrimage, performing in every prefecture of Japan, and deepening within her the skill and spirit of mai, the dance.
Beyond the influence of both the West and the East, Shizuno continues to refine her unique mai, a dance attuned to the rhythms of Mother Nature.
Her most recent and successful stage production, “Pele and Poliahu” (‘09 & ‘10), showed her passion for and inspiration in movement and nature.
Shizuno says “Spirit and Nature can be seen in the movement of wind, the stark land of Pele, and the interweaving energies of opposites, yin and yang…
We must heal the earth with renewed spirit and awareness of the interconnectedness of all beings and elements.”
She currently resides in Volcano, on the Island of Hawai'i, where she continues to generate new Spiral Visions, teach dance, and aspires to bring cultures together through international cultural exchange.

Dancing with the ELEMENTS
Contemporary Dancer
Shizuno Nasu

Gaziing into the red flame of Kilauea Volcano,
Watching the star filled sky of Mauna Kea
I focus on the root of the "Living Earth."

The basic natural elements are
Fire, Water and Wind (Air)
I express these elements, my essence of dance through my physical body.

And now, in the same way these 3 Natural Elements haromnize and balance each other,
I would like to explore this, as shared human consciousness.
This process will support the future of our "Earth" and "Life."

http://dance-shizuno.chu.jp/ <http://dance-shizuno.chu.jp/>

Dancing with the ELEMENTS
ハワイ島で踊りつずける 那須シズノ


その無限に拡がる星を見つめると 地球はこの宇宙に浮かぶ星と体感する…………
そして、私は両手を高く差し伸べ 今ここ にある奇跡に 舞い踊る。

Dancing with the ELEMENTS
その基本である ELEMENT(エレメント)
火と水と風 (空気} この動きを 自分のダンスエッセンスとして
肉体を通し 表現してゆく。
それが これからの「地球」の 「 命」をささえていくであろう私は思う。

               コンテンポラリーダンサー 那須シズノ









Susumu Sakaguchi